Oct 5, 2021
Creating a great song is remarkably like developing a product that actually works. This week’s Unplugged tells about our adventure of taking a blank piece of paper, a spark of an idea, an amazing partner, team of experts with room to innovate, and together we made...
Apr 1, 2021
The year was 2013, the day was April 1, and the grey in my hair was just a narrow streak instead of the invasive species it is now. I was still the CEO of my tech company, but my children were little bitty and I was a single mom. The company was rolling out...
Oct 5, 2020
Every time I walked into a room to see my Grandad, he gave me his full attention and said in a special, slow cadence… How DO you DO!?! It could be said as an exclamation, a question, admonishment, or a surprise. Paul Arthur Ogle knew me better than anyone else in my...