
Apparently a Fan Girl

Apparently a Fan Girl

This week in my home state of Texas, it is a time of learning not to take things for granted. Utilities used to mean the things we could take for granted, because they would always be there. Not only have we lost power and water during an unspeakable cold, our industry lost an extraordinary leader, while struggling through a very dark time.

This episode of Unplugged is the story of how I met an extraordinary man, Arne Sorenson, and the superpower of his kindness.

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Happy Valentines Day and Happy New Year!

Happy Valentines Day and Happy New Year!

Have you ever felt like you are not enough? Have you experienced imposter syndrome? Have you felt invisible?

This new series of Unplugged…. and Apparently Undercover tells hilarious stories of the many times people walked right past me looking for the man behind the curtain. I start the series on Valentines Day celebrating two of the men who are with me, seeing all of me, each and every day.

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50 Years Wiser!

50 Years Wiser!

A milestone birthday brings riffs on growing older and possibly wiser. I can’t wait to be in the future and look “back in the day” to see how unwise I am right this minute. Here are some of the things I have learned so far.

I’d love to hear your thoughts.

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!!!Feliz Navidad!!!

!!!Feliz Navidad!!!

Feliz Navidad!! I miss the joy of singing Christmas carols with friends. I miss my annual corporate holiday party where I am bribed with cookies as I judge the decorating competition.

This week’s Unplugged celebrates things to be grateful for and the joy of music. We also sing you a song to bring you a smile as we look forward to 2021. Stay Safe and Happy Holidays!

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All the World’s a Stage… Trick or Treat!

Playing dress up is second nature for many of us. Girls are often told they have to play dress up to be in the game. My great-grandmother Grace had to dress up as a boy to participate in the town horse race. My abuela Ana dressed...

Keep your hands off my ASSets

Keep your hands off my ASSets

Like many working women, I have been grabbed, patted, pawed, or otherwise disrespected in the workplace. The last time it happened to me, I was up for a CEO of the Year Award, and it was the title sponsor who thought my backside was a safe place for the palm of his...

I Have a Dream… Dr. King Shares Hope

Today is August 28th, the anniversary of The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom.  It was at this event that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King spoke one of the most powerful and important messages of hope, peace, and of the importance of equality in our nation, from...

In Flight Entertainment

In Flight Entertainment

For a long time, my girls were able to travel everywhere with me.  We flew so frequently that not only were they expert travelers in their own right, breezing through security with nary a care, and faster than many well-suited business travelers, they achieved...